
"The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life ... A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors... Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same."
George Orwell, 1984

MatrixLeaks is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind, a place we can all go to think and learn. MatrixLeaks realizes that humanity is going through a major transformation. With this in mind, MatrixLeaks seeks to provide "inaccessible" information so as to help people to easily submit these changes.

Forensic journalism requires skepticism towards power and credentialed expertise; a determination to unearth the facts interested parties want to keep hidden; and an unflinching commitment to follow the trail wherever it leads. We are truth seeking-not quote seeking.

We are not associated with any religion, political or ideological organization - we just spread the truth that is often hidden from us! Let us together on this exciting journey, it will often be shocking but certainly interesting - the truth sets us free!

Some people think that we are a small branch of Wikileaks. No, we're not ... but this comparison shows us what is actually our quality! I thank them for that! So, whether we go on a journey of truth together?

Welcome to the world of the Matrix!


If you don't want to read about the industry that sells human fetus ...link

Or if you don't want to know why Tibetan Buddhists self-ignite their bodies ...link

Or if you don't want to know the real reason for the war in Afghanistan...link

Then it's the right time to leave it MatrixLeaks ... and live happily and carefree!

I wish you all the best!

And the rest of you who want to know in which world we live in - feel free to forward, go deep inside!

I wish you luck!


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