The country which they lied

There is only one sin and that is theft ... When talking about lies, steal someone's right to the truth. "It is, among other things, Hosseini wrote in his book The Kite Runner. Ideal quote to start the story of his homeland of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is, in every respect - stolen land. Fragmented population overwhelmed by decades of conflict, the infrastructure is destroyed, the economy is underdeveloped. The tragedy and devastation of the country gets even bigger with every new day of American (and allied) missions on its soil. Barack Obama announced the withdrawal of the mission in mid-2011, but the largest number of U.S. troops on Afghan soil since the beginning of the mission (one hundred thousand) is not going to support this assertion. Opponents of the withdrawal claim that the country will remain in complete disarray, the rebels and gangs swarm to each other and put an end to what little is left of the other least developed countries. However, you can do worse than everyday with which it deals are now the people of Afghanistan?

                                                U.S. troops in Afghanistan (

  Figures do not lie

Afghanistan is the fourth poor country in the world, with an average daily wage of all inhabitants of one dollar. 36% of the population lives below the poverty line. The economy is poorly developed and the majority of the population (80%) engaged in agriculture, although only 12% of cultivable area. A particular problem is the friction and turmoil in the Pashto belt. The living conditions in Afghanistan have been disastrous, it is estimated that every half an hour a woman dies from complications in pregnancy, other than tuberculosis, and fourteen children die from diseases that are usually curable. Health is not working and it is one of the reasons why the country has the highest rate of infant deaths in the world. The average age of men in Afghanistan, forty years ago, a woman forty-three years. Seventy percent of the population is illiterate. That figure is not the end. Afghanistan is the fourth country with the most landmines in the world, approximately ten million unspecified threats below the ground. This is the result of a long conflict that plagued the country in years. Planning and tribal divisions within the religious, educational differences, and differences between urban and rural population, traumatized years of conflict, are the factors that result in a harsh fact that Afghan society is very fragmented, overwhelmed, without much hope for a better future and better living together.
However, there are some positive items. First are the many mineral resources, sites of natural gas, coal, iron, silver, copper and oil. The second is the magnificent city of Kabul, the capital city as one of the poorest countries in the world has the most expensive residential squares in the world. The first item is the Afghan population to ensure the presence of U.S. troops past ten years. All those who still believe that the United States in Afghanistan looking for Osama bin Laden, maybe they should seek their own brains. The second item is the results from the arrival of a large peacekeeping mission in the Afghan soil. Large non-governmental organizations, media, academia and various other human rights activists - they all wanted a place on this spectacular play. Here, of course, fit only for seats in the first place. Thus, Kabul became the perfect place for investment banks, commercial centers, buildings, hotels and restaurants. They made every effort to westerners feel at home. The Afghan people rarely can afford to stay in the capital, where most work as servants of the newcomers, their drivers, cleaners, cooks. University in the capital is too expensive to be attended by the average resident of Afghanistan, so they are rare and educational oasis reserved for some other people.
And what can apparently seemed good for her, brought the country additional suffering. Is there something positive, straw that would be the Afghan people could catch?

   I am telling you a story

Twenty-five days after the date that changed the world - September 11th 2001, America's air bombardment of Afghanistan began. President Bush then said, "Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of America's largest buildings, but can not shake the foundations of the great American." Resolutely embarked on a war against terrorism, in order to find Osama bin Laden, the good spirit of American crime and his criminal organization al Qaeda. 2002, arriving in Afghanistan the first ground forces. In Afghanistan, we started with Iraq in mind, so that, since 2003, opened the Iraqi battlefield, Afghanistan was in the position of a forgotten war, the side of the story. Last year Barack Obama has finished with the highest number of American soldiers, them that thousands on the ground in Afghanistan. The so-called peacekeeping mission is currently involved forty-nine allied countries, including Croatia. The mission is currently the largest in its nine years of existence, which brings into question Obama's claim that the gradual withdrawal to begin in mid-2011. In a large population of Afghanistan lies already been learned, and the big lies about Afghanistan, his eyes still closed the rest of the world. And the birds in the bush already know that the direct cause of the attack on Afghanistan - an event that took place September 11th 2001 - organized and conducted a criminal organization called the United States, the same one that was two years later, in the name of imaginary Weapons of Mass destruction stormed on Iraq. However, the mission in Afghanistan, no one publicly questioned because in today's world - if you do not play by American rules, the place for you on the playground there. What a caterpillar tread ground tanks and people are dying of hunger in the moist cell in the name of war against an organization that exists in virtual reality can be constructed by anyone on behalf of anyone, it is not our thing. Recently, a former commander of the Croatian Water in Afghanistan to the question about motivation for going to the mission, said "We are there for reasons of national security. We must fight for their own safety, the safety of the world. "Safety is not a world threatened by insatiable Omnivore capitalism, is not threatened by the unstoppable, irrational consumerism, no it is not threatened by global warming. We must fight against Afghanistan.

                                                           Afghan daily life (

  Gazel new era

 Gazel  is a kind of short lyric poems comprising 10-30 verses that make up a short verse, couplet. They usually have a love theme, was the love of wife, friend or supreme being. They appear in Persian literature. Some of the greatest Persian poets were in the area of today's Afghanistan. What would posit their Ghazali said that the verses written by observing the devastated area, along a rough country, children without a childhood? You may find bright sparks, elevations and moments of hope, as you find them and other inhabitants of Afghanistan. There is no other justification for the resilience of the people who experiences a conflict that for years he brought a new dawn. They, in spite of everything, have no intention of giving up their lives and their country. Their country is not liberal democracy, nor will it ever be. Initial claims that Afghanistan build a better society, a stable democracy that will respect the human rights community in the truest sense of the word, the Americans left. Recent statements include only two objectives: Destroying al-Qaeda and other threats to national security. No improvement of living conditions and development of the country is not included in the package. The generals say that it is no longer a war in which to win, because the Taliban has strengthened. There is no more sense to build institutions and strengthen the Afghan democracy. It is impossible, they say. After nine years of bombing, destruction of infrastructure, strengthening the anger of rebels, of course it is mission impossible. Peacekeeping missions has made it impossible. The Army can not build a new society - hospitals, schools. Civil society strengthens the arms. However, America and its allies do not appear to deprive the Afghan backwardness and underdevelopment that have no intention to change. Perhaps the only deepen. Each additional day mission is a step backwards for Afghanistan. How many steps until the final chasm?

  Look into the crystal ball

Some of the envisaged scenarios after possibly withdrawal of the mission in Afghanistan, including fierce rebels stormed the city of Kabul, which capital being razed to the ground. Earth will be destroyed if we go, shouting opponents of withdrawal. On the other hand clearly state that their intention is not to develop the Afghan society and help Afghanistan population, but only to find and destroy the terrorist network al-Qaida. The mission itself is contradictory. It may indeed destroy rebel capital, the Company may self-destruct, but at least it will be something they have done themselves to each other, and not something that they imposed on foreigners in the name of peace, democracy and global security. The asymmetric war which put an end to the country already torn fabric of Soviet occupation, leaving her barely breathing. And we are all guilty of it. Guilty because they can not resist, because the refuse to play because they do not raise our voice because we all somehow far. See you all, but pretend that we are blind. We must care for their own future. Imagine for a moment this scenario - as Europe's third and thirty-world country by drinking water resources, a world power has decided to intervene on our territory. The official reason is to find a terrorist organization, Muslims in neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina (Catholics are not enough good material for the fundamentalists) who operate in our beautiful homeland. Unmanned aircraft bombed the towns along the coast and inland as the water drains and traveled west in some areas. The rest of the world ignores our despair.
Of course this scenario is not possible. Water have already sold out, a "democracy" never fight against the "democracy". Democracies fight together against the devastated countries, weak companies with unused resources, which, in time of war for resources - a real diamond uncut. Very quickly, the uncut diamond becomes bloody. Redness left from every corner of our conscience, but never went out to find its way to our lips, that went out from the cells of our thoughts, he saw the light of day, and ashamed of this selfdestroyed world. Is there a way to be good again, " wrote Hosseini.

                                                            Photo -      



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