
Showing posts from January, 2012

SOPA, ACTA and Internet Freedom

Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! --- but there is an even bigger threat out there, and our global movement for freedom online is perfectly poised to kill it for good. ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business. Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse. We know they have opposed ACTA before, but some members of Parliament are wavering -- let's give them the push they need to reject the treaty. Sign the petition -- we'll do a spectacular delivery in Brussels when we reach 500,000 signatures: http://www....

Big Brother has a Twitter

They say there are billions of them, with more than 50 million added per day. But whatever the actual number, every single tweet ever sent since the beginning of Twitter-time is set to be turned over to Uncle Sam. According to Federal News Radio earlier this week, Twitter has struck a deal (deal?) with the Library of Congress to archive every single tweet. Rather than treat them as free, protected speech, the billions of Tweets are being treated as historical documents and will archived as such, the report said. "We have an agreement with Twitter where they have a bunch of servers with their historic archive of tweets, everything that was sent out and declared to be public," Bill Lefurgy, the digital initiatives program manager at the library's national digital information infrastructure and preservation program, said on Federal News Radio. "We were excited to be involved with acquiring the Twitter archives because it's a unique record of our time,...

Cyber - Warfare

  “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Gandhi The cyber war escalated to a whole new level yesterday. The U.S. government shut down the popular website MegaUpload at the behest of corporate interests. The Feds  accused MegaUpload  of stealing $500 million in potential lost revenue from copyright holders.  Almost immediately, the hacktivist group  Anonymous retaliated by launching massive DDoS attacks  on several websites including the US Copyright Office, Department of Justice,, Universal Music Group, Music Picture Association of America, and the Recording Industry Association of America. The attack called “Operation MegaUpload” is also said to be targeting Many Internet freedom and privacy activists are cheering Anonymous’ assault against the U.S. Government and the corporate interests that control it. But I’m getting the eerie feeling that Anonymous is playing right into the hands of those who wish to control ...

Happy birthday, Guantánamo! 2

  Each Year in January, MatrixLeaks will publish the same article - "Happy birthday, Guantanamo!" - until the cruel cage will not be closed - as Mr. Obama promised in January 2010.    "I intend to close Guantánamo, and would not give it up. Many times I have repeated that the United States does not conduct torture and I will make sure that indeed be so. I will make every effort to increase America's moral reputation in the world", Barack Obama said during his election campaign, in which, among other things, promised to be one of the first things you will do will be closing the Guantánamo base. Base Guantánamo will be closed to 22. January 2010., believe me." Already we in 2011 year, and Barack Obama president of the nearly two years. Gunatánamo this week off the birthday cake candles. Nine years of existence. There is no indication that it will close the base, which thinks about its one hundred and seventy four inmates - um, who do they ask? ...

Arrest US War Criminals to stop more war on Iran

“A mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits (of government) is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.”  - James Madison, Federalist Paper #48, 1788. We were all born into a century of  total deaths from government violence of over 230 million human beings. After two world wars, the US was the chief author of  the treaty that makes war unlawful unless attacked by another nation’s military . As the links below document in conservative and now non-controversial history, current US wars continue a pattern of lie-started and unlawful wars. Importantly, now,  US military and/or law enforcement must arrest the current War Criminals to end this history of murder.  If not, it will repeat by mass-murdering Iranians, and more ignorant/gullible US soldiers. The basis of law provides US military and all with Oaths to defend the US Constitution to ...

Totalitarianism and dictatorship - Obama's New Year's gift

December 31, 2011 | 3:14 p.m. Happy New Year America, for the gift you get totalitarianism and dictatorship. With disbelieving look in the signature of President Obama approved a draft law on the defense authorization, with whom the U.S. military can no court decisions: to prosecute, investigate, and arrest people around the world, and without being guilty of anything! President Obama signed on Saturday the defense authorization bill, formally ending weeks of heated debate in Congress and intense lobbying by the administration to strip controversial provisions requiring the transfer of some terror suspects to military custody. "I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists,"  Obama said in a statement accompanying his signature. The White House had originally threatened to veto the $662 billion bill, considered must-pass legislation, over th...