
Showing posts from January, 2015

Happy birthday, Guantánamo! 5

  Each Year in January, MatrixLeaks will publish the same article - "Happy birthday, Guantanamo!" - until the cruel cage will not be closed - as Mr. Obama promised in January 2010.    "I intend to close Guantánamo, and would not give it up. Many times I have repeated that the United States does not conduct torture and I will make sure that indeed be so. I will make every effort to increase America's moral reputation in the world" , Barack Obama said during his election campaign, in which, among other things, promised to be one of the first things you will do will be closing the Guantánamo base. Base Guantánamo will be closed to 22. January 2010., believe me." Already we in 2015., and Barack Obama president of the nearly six years. Gunatánamo this week have the birthday cake candles. Thirteen years of existence. There is no indication that it will close the base, which thinks about its one hundred and seventy four inmates - um, who do they ask? ...